Mint Edition Makes It A Treble

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Mint Edition wins three on the bounce! He has put in a serious performance this season so far to have won three races on the bounce. He is running exceptionally well and is finishing his races strongly. He has run two of the three wins by four lengths and last nights win by 2 lengths and that was with a penalty weight He is also coming out of his races the next day fit, sound and ready to run again. He is loving his racing and has come out this season as a 3yo very strongly. He has developed in his physique and has matured in his mind. A huge well done to Titanium Racing Club and to all his connections.

It is a slightly quieter time with now in terms of not having any runners for a week or so. The rest of the yard are all slowly building up their canter work and all the horses are very happy to be cantering up the gallops. The horses are thriving from their current work routine and are looking fit and healthy, they are putting on a lot of condition from their work. On occasion it is feeling like spring is just around the corner, although not on days like today when it is freezing cold!

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