Become an Owner
Why choose Bethell Racing?
Ed is extremely passionate about racing and his horses. His attention to detail with the horses and the care for each individual is second to none. This passion follows through with his drive to bring the best out of each horse individually and to train the horse accordingly to their individual needs. He excels in placing horses in the correct race and keeping focused on the goal for the horse and the owner. Bethell Racing has a fantastic teamwork ethic and the staff are as equally passionate about the horses and their care of them.
Who do I contact?
You can ring our trainer Edward on 07767622921, or alternatively ring the office on 01969640353. You can also send us an email at edward@bethellracing.com .
Am I able to visit my horse at the stables?
You can visit your horse in training at any time, preferably letting us know in advance. If you visit in the morning you will be able to see your horse training on the gallops.
Who will ride my horse?
At the races your horse will be ridden by the best possible jockey available, taking into consideration the jockeys your horse gets on particularly well with. At home your horse will be ridden by trained staff, as well as local jockeys who come in to ride work.
Can I get visit the races when my horse runs?
You can see your horse run at all the race tracks they run at, at the races there will always be a representative from our team, Ed attends the races as much as possible and you can discuss his thoughts with him at the track. You will receive 6 badges when your horse runs and this includes lunch for all badge holders.
Do you have any horses available at the moment?
We do have horses for sale to buy outright, to buy shares in, or if you would like to join Ed and his agent at the sales this is something we can organise for the sale in which you would like to purchase from, with the guidance from Ed and his agent if you wish to do so.
Where will my horse be trained?
Your horse will be trained at Thorngill, the home of Ed where he grew up and where his father James trained previously. Thorngill is based in the Yorkshire Dales just outside of Middleham. We like to welcome our owners to come as much as possible to the yard to see the horses in their natural environment.
How will I be kept informed about my horse’s progress?
You will receive fortnightly updates by email, as well as videos and pictures of your horse in training. You will be regularly contacted by phone.