Emily Post Runs Today & Update On The Yearlings

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Over the past week it has been busy with the yearlings who are coming on from strength to strength. They are coming on in their ridden work very well and are very settled in their daily routine on the yard. Most of them now are working on the grass up on the low moor near where the gallops are which they will progress onto in time. Working them on the grass is so important to them in this early stage of their career with a slight undulation on the grass, not only does this start to build their stamina, it strengthens their top line and core, and it also teaches them natural balance working up and down the gradient. It also focuses their minds on what they are doing as being young their concentration span is very short; they could become a little naughty if they stayed in the arena for too long becoming bored. On the grass they work in a small string which they enjoy, and they have had all the different elements of weather thrown at them too which can be testing at times, but they have behaved impeccably.


Today Emily Post runs at 6.45 at Newcastle over 7f. She has been training very well at home and is feeling very well in herself, Ed is confident with her going into this race and we look forward to seeing her run. We wish all connections and the team huge good luck this evening for her run.



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